Monday, May 3, 2010

Creative Souls Ning Group Will Stay On Line

Creative Souls, our wonderful group on the Ning network will be staying. Yeah !!!!!
We were all so upset when we heard the news that Ning would be shutting all the free sites down. Being one of those free sites our group was in jeopardy. Our courageous leader, Izabella Pierce, sent the word out for all members to join in with ideas on how to keep our group intact. While we still await the notice of how much it will cost us to stay on the Ning Network, we are positive that we will be able to pay the fee.
With a donate button and many ideas in the works we will achieve our goal and remain together. So many wonderful groups will fall to the wayside. I belong to 10 other Ning groups that aren't as lucky as
Creative Souls. They don't have the membership that Creative Souls have and membership equates to money these days.