Tuesday, June 25, 2013

We need a miracle for our baby Zander

We need a miracle for our baby Zander

 Two weeks ago my granddaughter took her baby, Zander, my great grandson in for his 6 months check up
When she saw the doctor he ask why she was holding his head up and she said because he can't hold it up very long by himself. The doctor walked my granddaughter, Melissa and Zander across the parking lot to the ER. They admitted him and did blood tests, MRI and CAT scan if his neck and spine. The said all the test came back normal but were waiting for two of the test that would probably not be in for at least 10 days. They sent him home.

Last Saturday he stopped breathing and my granddaughter gave him CPR and called 911. He was rushed to the hospital. They put in a breathing tube and did more CAT Scans and another MRI and a chest Xray. The Xray showed pneumonia. They had to intubate and sedate him so the breathing machine can work for him.

Yesterday morning the pediatrician said that with all the tests and all the doctors that have looked at Zander's case and with the tests that have finally come in he has  MSA Muscular Spinal Atrophy. There are three types of this disease. Type 1 which usually affects babies up to two years old and the life expectancy is two years due to respiratory complications such as pneumonia. Type 2 is not as serious but with many complications and life expectancy is longer. Type 3 is the least serious and life expectancy is a full one.

The last test came in and Zander has Type 1. My granddaughter and her husband have to decide weather to put him on life support for as long as his little life will be or to remove all tubes and let "nature take its course". How does a parent decide something as heart wrenching as this?

God preforms miracles. He has made the blind see, the crippled walk, healed leprosy and made crazy people sane. I know this is Satan and I cannot tell you how much I hate Satan. How dare he attack this sweet little baby!! I am praying that God will give us a miracle and push Satan out of the way and save our baby Zander.

Up until two weeks ago he was a happy healthy baby and now according to the doctors he is dying.
The panel of doctors that have seen Zanders case along with a genetic specialist will be meeting with Melissa and Justin tomorrow to go over this disease and the options that they, as parents have.

We are all devastated and heartbroken. It is so hard to see my granddaughter in such pain and her daddy, my Son and Zander's Grandfather is a mess. He feels so helpless that he is not able to fix this for his baby girl.

They have a two year old daughter (Ava June) that was there when all of this happened and she ask her Mommy on the phone if brother was dying. Bless her heart, how did she know about death and dying. She saw a counselor yesterday.

I am going out to Vegas to be with my family on Thursday. My heart is so heavy right now.
There are many prayers going up for Zander so I am prying that God will hear them and give us a miracle. That is the only thing that will save this baby. I am asking for Prayers for the family too. We have to be strong for Melissa and Justin and this is going to be so very hard.
Thank you all

Please pray with everything you have.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I haven't had much time to devote to my blog but I will be working on some tutorials to post here for digital art.
I am interested in all types of art, I do large art dolls, woodworking, stained glass, oil painting, sewing, quilt making, collages and digital art.

Things I want to learn, mold making, making clay people for my new doll houses, jewelry making, and always to keep learning more techniques in digital art. I have supplies for everything, more supplies than I will ever use.  It's finding the time to devote to more art.

I would like to know what type of art you make and what you want to learn.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What to do??

I just can't make up my mind on what I want to be working on. I've done many floral ACEO's but something stops me from putting watermarks on all my pics and list them.
One thing that I'm sure will go against me selling very many is that I can't offer to send the mini art printed.

I've got the oldest Cannon Printer, serial port which I use with my Window's 98 desktop. It prints out alright if I'm using the prints for collage but to get that real pop of color like I designed the pictures to look, you have to have a good printer.

I'm hoping they sell well, there are so many artists out there really working it and I don't have the fire under my ass anymore. My mind wants to do things that my body can't do. When did I get old, I think it was two years ago when I had the thyroid  cancer. I haven't been the same since. I must admit my lack of energy is due more to my COPD. You need oxygen going to those muscles to make them work good. Damaged lungs, my fault, lucky it wasn't worse.

If anyone should stop by and read this, I was needing to know how I can put a watermark on my pics all at the same time. I have several hundred to get done before I can list them so I would appreciate any help.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Summer was here

Yesterday we had our first day of our temps getting up to 80. Today is cloudy and very windy, we have some storms coming our way. I heard that we might get more snow by the weekend. It's no wonder why so many of us get sick with the weather going wacko.

When I read that so many of you are already planting your gardens I get really jealous.I know it will come but what to expect. Last summer we roasted at 100 for so much of the summer that I never went outside.
I just want the summers like I remember as a child growing up in Kansas City, MO. I don't remember any bad weather days. Summer was about being outside all the time. Skating, biking, croquet, badminton I was always on the move.
I think I will ponder on the years gone by and the fun and freedom I felt then.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Gothic Garden art by Bernice (Hodges) Wagnitz

That second back surgery and thyroid cancer really kicked my butt. I just don't seem to have the energy to even think of doing any art. Just opening my etsy shop seems like such a chore. Another part of me not doing my art is that I have my studio in my basement. My home was built in 1920 and at least twice a year I will get the drains backing up. I'm used to it but it leaves the basement so humid I get a rainbow of molds growing on the walls near the floor. I used to spray and scrub with bleach then I read to just use hot soapy water. It goes away but comes back. I can't afford to be running my electric bill up to run a dehumidifier.
I have COPD ( Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ) and the mold makes me cough and I'm sure it isn't good to breath. So I use my laptop upstairs when all my art supplies are, yeah, in the basement.
I tried all the drying out chemicals, should have bought stock in the company. I would need the industrial size and it's only good for a month.
Anyone out there have any suggestions that don't cost tons of money. Yeah I'd love to have a studio with big windows, lots of sunshine, warm in the winter and dry all year round.

I do have an "Artist" page on Facebook, it's The Gothic Garden art by Bernice ( Hodges) Wagnitz. I'd love your thoughts on my art and if you like what you see than please "Like" it.

I've done quite a bit of new art since I last posted so I best get busy and get them in here.

More to come.......